$60.00 AUD

5 monthly payments

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

No refunds are available. Payment plans are expected to be paid in full, on schedule.

Advice is general in nature and should be considered in the context of your own life. You are empowered to make your own decisions.

Failed payments will be re-attempted within 3-7 days.

Failure to maintain your payment plan may result in your account being passed onto a debt collection agency. 


Best-Life Bundle

Go ALL-IN on living your best-life with the 3 key topics that make or break your happiness and success!

The mini course includes:

  • Find Your Purpose Mini Course (Valued at $399)
  • Best-Life Boundaries Mini Course (Valued at $399)
  • Self-Love Freedom Mini Course (Valued at $399)
  • Experience Meditation, Breathwork + Emotional Freedom Technique (Priceless lifetime value!)
  • Online Portal + App For Easy Access On The Go
  • Lifetime Access so you can revisit the tools anytime (Priceless!)
  • Total Value Over $1299

Payment Plan of 5 Monthly Payments of $60

 *Please note all content is pre-recorded, some from past live sessions. All content is available immediately for your delish digestion!