Dream Big

Heal What Holds You Back

Build Your Best Damn Life

Let’s freakin’ go!

Dream Big

Heal What Holds You Back

Build Your Best Damn Life

Let's freakin' go!

Are you DONE with a life of ‘good enough’?
Are you tired of feeling unsure, doubting yourself and your direction in life?
Are you ready to step into your boldest, baddest self who blasts through fears and into her dreams?

It’s time to build your BEST LIFE girlfriend đŸ”„

This isn’t your average goal setting course...


You know: make a plan, execute for a bit then self sabotage & beat yourself up for ‘giving up’ đŸ˜©


We’re going to completely rebuild your foundations.

We’re honouring, healing and moving THROUGH all the doubts, limits and fears that have stopped you in the past so you can follow through on your big, bold, best life actions.


Here’s how we’re doing things differently in The Best Life Blueprint:
  1. We’re fucking off ‘fine’: babe, you ain’t here for a life of ‘fine’ and ‘okay’ and ‘good enough’. You’re here for magic, adventure, peace, purpose, love!
  2. We’re not skipping steps: there’s a reason you’re not at point B yet. And it's not cos you’re lazy. We’re working through the deep beliefs and unconscious patterns that hold you back so you can finally go ALL in with conviction
  3. We’re honouring YOU: your wants, your needs, on your timeline. I know you’re a hero for everyone else in your life đŸ«¶ but when you take care of YOU, the whole world benefits đŸ”„
  4. Confidence first: we know the secret to success if loving the f outta yourself. Knowing your worth & trusting yourself is a key pillar of your growth in this program
  5. Live support: this ain’t a sign up & DIY program. Ima be all up in your DMs and on live calls to coach you personally through your challenges so you can have massive breakthroughs
  6. We move with kindness: despite what you’ve heard or tried to force on yourself, love is your greatest motivation. There’s no guilt or shame in this program: you’ll feel safe enough to see yourself and how you can grow with unconditional love


If you’re ready to chase your wildest dreams and love yourself to death, join us and step into alllllll of you đŸ€€


You didn’t come here for a life of ‘fine’ gurlfrand. It’s time to claim your peace, purpose, joy and happiness. You deserve it all!


You're Speaking' To Me, Let's Go!

 My Story


Hi my love, I'm Phoebee and I grew up in CHAOS!
With a highly unstable parent, I spent my childhood walking on eggshells, avoiding conflict and taking on WAY too much responsibility.
I learnt how to put my needs aside and be ‘fine’.
I learnt I’d get attention and love by 'having my shit together' or being ‘so mature for my age’. So I put my feelings away and moved deep into people pleasing and perfectionist tendencies.
I saw too many eruptions from the men in my home and learnt standing up for myself wasn’t safe: so I learnt to avoid conflict at all costs.
As an adult, these patterns starting ruining my life: chasing dreams that weren’t mine to get others tick of approval, spending 7 years in a narcissistic relationship without ever having a fight, nearly running my business into the ground with my epic avoidance patterns đŸ˜©
But I learnt that we adapt to stay safe. These behaviours protected me in my childhood as intended: but they no longer served my adulthood. A lot of healing, connecting with myself, processing, releasing and CHOOSING DIFFERENT later:  I'm living my best life and it just keeps giving!
A life of freedom with a flexible schedule to do purpose work and be with my family.
A beautiful marriage where I feel completely heard and supported.
2 thriving businesses where I literally get to cultivate happiness for a living. Peace, adventure, freedom, fun, confidence and so much self trust it’s impossible to rock me 😎
You deserve this peace, my love.
You deserve to heal.
You adapted to those past situations and you can adapt again.
To the freedom, the excitement, the safety of your best freakin’ life.
Let's do this

I see you babe. 

You’ve ‘got your shit together’
But you know this ain’t it

Can you relate?


✘ You show up for everyone else, but you never feel like you’re operating at 100%

✘  You’re not sure what you want
 or you can’t seem to follow through on the actions to get there

✘ You’re crushing it: but you feel stuck in your control freak, perfectionist, people pleasing tendencies and you struggle to slow down when you really need it

✘ You find yourself in spirals of self doubt or beating yourself up about the small things

✘ You know your needs aren’t always being met but you worry you won’t be enough and you’ll let everyone down if you take your foot off the gas

✘ You feel full, busy
 yet incomplete


There is so much out there for you, my love ❀
And that inkling you feel is right: you deserve more!


Let’s build your best life

Come on this journey to uncover your deepest desires, release the limits that tell you they’re not possible and build a life you can’t get enough of


You have the power

Take radical responsibility: life is not happening to you, it’s happening FOR you and everything has led you here, today, so that you can take the epic leap into your next level

"Sounds great, Phoebee, but Do I Really Need This?"


I get it. Life is okay. It might even be good!

I know you’re a powerhouse, I know you’re full of value, I know your life is full of beautiful humans who adore you and moments that light you up.


But it’s okay to want MORE. It’s safe to dream BIGGER.
You’re not here to settle for GOOD ENOUGH.


You’re meant for a full, delicious, expansive life.
Happiness requires growth and momentum.
Purpose requires challenges and success.
Your best life means going all in, allowing yourself to ask for more, expect more and receive more.


And I know that makes you wanna đŸ’© your pants a lil bit.


But I promise it’s safe.
When you have more, when your cup is full, when you are living your purpose, supporting the people you love from a healed and powerful place:



It's not selfish.
Becoming the biggest, boldest, most powerful version of you is going to cause ripples of happiness through to everyone in your life.


Yesss I'm in!



Dream Big. Heal What Holds You Back. 

Build Your Best Damn Life.


is a 12-week program to:


✔ Dream bigger & gain clarity

✔ Understand your unconscious mind, energy and nervous system so you can get them on board with BIG moves

✔ Heal your past & the patterns that keep sabotaging your future 

✔ Fill your toolbox with powerful go-to's to reprogram your beliefs 

✔ Believe in yourself endlessly & build your best life



What to EXPECT:


  • 12 weekly lessons to understand the deepest learnings of your mind

  • Guided & supported processes like meditation, breathwork, hypnosis, somatic releasing, inner child work and more to quit TALKING about your limits and actually RELEASE them

  • A stacked toolbox of go-to's for healing, releasing & raising the energy of your subconscious mind that you’ll return to again and again

  • Deep connections with your soul sisters who are vulnerably sharing this journey and levelling up with you

  • An action plan that comes from the heart: when you feel so lit up by life the action is so inspired you can’t help but make moves!



  • 6x Hot-Seat Group Coaching Calls to be heard, seen, supported and launched forward

  • The most expansive group chat you’ve ever been part of where the shares are deep and the support is endless

  • LIVE breathwork journeys to experience the power of group transformation

  • Lifetime Access so you can return to your tools again and again for every next stage of life

  • All content recorded & available 24/7 for your busy schedule

Amazing! I want in!

This is for the woman who:


✔ Wants more out of life

✔ Knows her health, happiness & peace supports everyone she loves

✔ Is ready to take radical responsibility and own her shit

✔ Is ready to let her walls down, lean into her mess and knows there is growth in her vulnerability

✔ Wants to feel held and safe in a group of baddies on the same adventure


This is NOT for you if:


✘ You prefer to blame others and wait for situations to change for you

✘ Aren't ready to face the past and the deep darks of where your insecurities originate

✘ Prefer to settle, people please & keep believing that staying small is your best bet

✘ You're looking for a quick fix one-and-done program that cures everything (growth is forever bby!)


Program Sneak Peek

The 3 phase blueprint for completely rebuilding your foundations so you can make big, bold, best-life moves đŸ”„


Phase 1: Honour Yourself

Do you know what you really want?

Do you hear the intuitive pulls & guidance from your highest self?

Do you honour your wants and needs?

We’re diving deep into your mind body connection, your energy systems and how to honour all that you are.

When you understand your energy, how you work & what you truly want: the doors of possibility will fly open 😍

Phase 2: Heal Yourself


I know you have it all together babe but are you healing or avoiding? 

Have you really processed your past or have you simply learnt to be ‘fine’ with it and power ahead? 

We all have trauma: we have adapted to the situations and relationships we’ve found ourselves in and are left with behaviours of hiding, avoiding, people pleasing, perfectionism, self doubt or deep fears of being not enough, or not worthy 💔

These stories and beliefs will no longer hold you back as we learn the skills and go-to’s for truly validating, processing and releasing our emotions.

And when you no longer hold fears and doubts about yourself?

You’ll be f*cking LIMITLESS đŸ”„


Phase 3: Big, Bold, Best-Life Moves


When we are clear on what we want and nothing stands in the way, it’s finally time to take action! We’ll create a clear plan to move forward and fill your toolbox with energy-raising activities so you can get in the frequency to manifest the f*ck outta everything you desire!


We cannot manifest from a place of where we are: we must create the energy of who we want to be & where we want to go 😍 this phase will leave you high on LIFE and you’ll be a magnet to incredible opportunities.

Your best life will continue to unfold day after day đŸ”„

What’s included...


✔ 12 weekly modules to understand the deepest workings of your mind (Valued at $999)

✔ 12 workbooks to connect with yourself and dream bigger than ever with crystal clear clarity (Valued at $499)

✔ Guided & supported processes like meditation, breathwork, hypnosis, somatic releasing, inner child work and more to quit TALKING about your limits and actually RELEASE them (Valued at $999)

✔ LIVE guided breathwork journeys to experience the power of group transformation (Valued at $299)

✔ Your Best Life Blueprint: your clear action plan for creating EVERYTHING you want in life (Valued at $999)

✔ Lifetime Access so you can return to your tools again and again for every next stage of life (Priceless!)

✔ All content recorded & available 24/7 for your busy schedule 




đŸ”„ 6x Group Coaching Calls with Phoebee to blast through your challenges and fast track your growth (Valued at $999)

đŸ”„ Intimate Group Chat to get your questions answered and have support for everything that comes up between calls (Valued at $599)


Total Value: Over $6000!!! 


Payment Options

 Enrolment Closes September 3

Pay In Full

$2,500 AUD

Enrol now

3 Monthly Payments

$840 AUD

Enrol now

6 Monthly Payments

$425 AUD

Enrol now

12 Monthly Payments

$220 AUD

Enrol now

Imagine this


You feel an intuitive hit and big dreams come to you with clarity.


There’s no question, there’s no uncertainty
 you know it’s for you and you give it SPACE to come through.


You honour yourself: the deep urges come through and you allow yourself to dream without judgement or fear. You know that when you do, the tangible action steps will become clear quickly.


You see the growth, you see the expansion, it feels stretchy, but you’re not afraid.


You know all you need to do is honour those callings and you have all the skills and tools you need to work through any fears or limits that might come up.


When your worries rise to the surface, you soothe yourself with kindness.


When limiting beliefs present themselves, you spend an evening in hypnosis or journalling through them.


You awake ready to move forward.


You start the day visualising your dream life, smiling from ear to ear, dancing to your favourite music and getting into the energy of the boldest, most powerful version of yourself who f*cking LOVES her life 😍


And you get out there and make big moves.

You take action towards your dreams without hesitation.
You follow through.
You create magic.


And you’re such a powerhouse of radiance, fun and confidence that opportunities fall into your lap, the best humans find their way into your life and you are honoured, supported and loved at every stage of your journey.


And everyone wins: your relationships are smooth, supportive and loving. You take care of the important people in your life with calm, regulated and positive energy. You create magic at work because you’re all in and ready to serve. Your needs are met and your wants are manifesting by the day so you’re energised and ready to give to everyone else.


Life is full of peace, purpose, adventure, excitement, rest, love, opportunity, success and everything you’ve been dreaming about.

I want this!

By the end of Best Life Blueprint, you will


Have extreme clarity around what you want & need and know how to figure it out if you ever find yourself unsure again


Love and trust yourself on new levels: you and your body will be one team and you’ll feel supported and safe to be yourself


You’ll follow through on every goal you set without fear or doubt holding you back


You’ll know EXACTLY what to do when something feels ‘impossible’, ‘crazy’ or ‘selfish’ and you’ll release it quickly so you can move forward into your best life


You’ll live in high energy and gratitude every single day and feel deeply that life is happening FOR you


You’ll have the tools to continue levelling up your life over and over no matter what is next


You’ll be a magnet for everything you want: relationships, opportunities, money, clients, love and more because you in your power is f*cking sexyyyy


You’ll serve everyone around you with more love, excitement and conviction and leave the bitterness, blame and triggers in your dust


You’ll feel empowered to do, be and have ANYTHING in your life because you’re the boss and you have the blueprint

This is exactly what I need!

What the Best Life Baddies say...


 "I felt so much love and appreciation for myself, my life, my family in the breathwork. I am free, I am enough, I am LOVED!" 


"I am feeling really good. After Phoebees call a lot shifted in me for the better. Like it woke apart of me that I didn't realise was asleep!" 


"Thank you so much, I didn’t realise how much I needed this! I felt my inner power for the first time in my life" 


 "The astounding clarity I feel is just one of many gifts that have come from trusting in the wisdom you carry, the magic you embody, and the power you possess to draw out the crumbled up pieces of me that have been waiting to expand. I am endlessly grateful that I followed my not-so-little intuitive nudge to work with you. I love you, love you, I love you." 


 "I now have 7 people booked in to chat and show my beautiful deck too! đŸ„ł that means there is a possibility I could earn ÂŁ12k in the next 3 weeks đŸ„łđŸ’ȘđŸŒđŸ€žđŸŒ if all 7 sign up for the full Monty and pay in full that is but hey let's gooo! We wanted 10, I'm aiming for 10!" 


 "Hiya I just want to say thank you so much for always creating a safe space and allowing me to be comfortable to share anything with you, l've never really had that and I really appreciate it" 


 "Hey Phoebee, just wanted to let you know I got offered the job on the spot!! It's all happening! Thank you so much!" 


Frequently Asked Questions

What are you waiting for? đŸ„ł


I'm ready!